Ben's Birth Story

At 28 weeks, I noticed some bleeding, so Smokey and I headed for the hospital, where they hooked me up to the machines to monitor contractions and gave me IV fluids.  Then we had an ultrasound to make sure Baby was ok in there.  We stayed for a couple of hours at least, until they were satisfied that everything was ok.  Finally, I was discharged with instructions to stay on modified bed rest over the weekend (as a precaution).  I saw Dr. Stone the next week and she declared everything ok.

On Saturday morning, April 13, I decided to shower.  This was unusual because I typically shower in the evenings, but I just really felt like I needed a shower.  After getting out of the shower, combing my hair, and putting on my lotion, I was exhausted.  I decided to lie down on the bed for a minute to rest.  Smokey and Marley were cuddled up there watching one of Marley’s shows.  I had only been lying there for a moment when I felt a little feeling like I might have peed a little bit.  I rolled off the edge of the bed to quickly go to the bathroom when…whoosh!  My water broke, just like in the movies, and my pajama pants were soaked.  I shakily told Smokey what had happened, waddled to the bathroom, and called the hospital.  It was 9:30am.  They told me to come immediately.  We rushed to pack Marley’s bag and called everyone we knew, but no one was around to take her for us, so we packed her into the car with us and drove to the hospital, hoping someone would get back to us quickly.  Ben’s due date was April 28.

On the way to the hospital, I started really noticing the contractions.  They were pretty frequent and fairly painful already.  Once we got to L&D, they put my in a room, hooked me up to all the machines, and checked my progress.  I was only dilated to a 2.  (Fortunately, Mary called back around this time and came to pick up Marley.)  It hadn’t been long when suddenly I was being rolled onto my side and given an oxygen mask.  I started to feel scared, and I kept asking what was happening.  There were a lot of people doing things around me, and finally Dr. Battaglia leaned over me and told me that the baby’s heart rate was dropping.  Although it would pick up again, she was concerned he couldn’t wait for me to progress, and she decided I needed an emergency C-section.  I was devastated.  And terrified.  I started to cry and say “No.”  Smokey and the doctor talked to me and calmed me down, and I started to understand and accept that this was the best option.  Then things really got busy.  There were so many people in the room, and everyone was doing something to me.  The anesthesiologist came to ask me some questions and sign the consent form, they gave me a catheter (yep--*before* the spinal, which did not make me happy), and they wheeled me off.

In the OR, they were still monitoring the situation and deciding whether Smokey was going to be able to come in, so I was really scared about doing the spinal without him.  The nurse was amazing.  She held my hand, talked to me about the whole thing, and reassured me that I wasn’t being ridiculous.  Suddenly, there was a warm rush all down my lower body and legs, as though I had peed myself.  That was the medicine.  They laid me down and immediately starting rubbing an alcohol swab on my skin to test my numbness.  I did not trust that I could be that numb that quickly, and I was terrified I was going to feel it when they cut into me.  I don’t think I’m a very good patient.  Regardless, everything was underway.  Smokey was able to come in, Dr. Stone showed up to help, and they were off.  There were a scary couple of minutes after they took Benny out where we didn’t hear him crying.  As soon as I heard that sweet, sweet sound, all the fear and relief and emotion of the morning broke over me in sobbing waves.  It had been about two hours since my water had broken that morning.

They told me they had to take Ben to the nursery while they closed me up, so I told Smokey to go with him.  But first they brought him to me so I could snuggle and kiss his beautiful little head.  Then they whisked him off to get cleaned and checked.

The closing up process is long and hard.  You no longer have the stress, the anticipation, the adrenaline keeping you distracted from the fact that you can feel them digging around inside you and stretching your skin to cover things up.  I started to feel very sick, and I had sent Smokey to the nursery.  I asked a question, and the anesthesiologist immediately got up from what he was doing and came to my side.  His manner felt very caring and paternal, and I will forever be grateful to him for helping me through that part of the procedure.

My little Ben made quite the entrance into this world, and it has been a whirlwind ever since.  He is stubborn and sweet and funny and loving, and he is my little miracle.  I love him more than I can say.

Stats:  Ben Gibson Hawkins was born at 11:24am on Saturday, April 13, 2013.  He weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz.